During my time at ABCmouse/Age of Learning, I worked as an illustrator and designer for online and printable activities.
One of our more unique activities are cutout puzzles. In any given puzzle, pieces are arranged randomly to the side of the main image, and kids then match the pieces together, applying their understanding of concepts taught throughout a lesson.

In the above puzzle, pieces are arranged to form correct addition equations. This was a really fun project, since I was able to take the general style of animation used for the lesson, and redraw/design aspects to fit the format of the puzzle and its goals as a teachable activity.

For puzzles, piece clarity was key. This meant that appealing designs relied more on subtle texture changes, patterns, and color choice, rather than overpowering pieces with competing secondary visuals. So in the case of these puzzles, I was more graphic designer than illustrator.

In other puzzles, a large illustration may be used while pieces coincided with elements relating to the lesson. For this one, I was responsible for coloring the large illustration.

Sometimes I would be equal parts illustrator and designer on a puzzle, like in these!

Other times, unique opportunities would arise for creating custom patterns, and other graphics that had to be as visually important as puzzle pieces, to reinforce lesson goals.

Overall, I feel as if Cutout Puzzles were the "me" projects I had worked on. I have spent over 10 years as a graphic designer to some, an illustrator to others, and blending the two into complete activities instead was very rewarding.
All images are copyright ABCmouse/Age of Learning and used here for display purposes only. These images may not be printed, reproduced, or displayed without prior consent.